Newport has been rewarding staff with Personal Growth awards at our quarterly review meetings for several years now, and many of you have been past recipients. Every time we give out these awards, however, I feel that not enough people receive it. Unlike Achievement awards which involve the actions of many, personal growth only requires your effort. Therefore, in this coming year, I would like to see more people make that effort and receive the award.
Some of you may not fully understand what personal growth is. My definition is that it comes from self-understanding and then pushing yourself to reach your highest potential. However, it is not only about improving the value to your own life but also providing value to others. Personal growth can come in many forms: It might be by becoming more proactive; it might be identifying and correcting weaknesses such as an inability to prioritize, poor time management, or a lack of focus; or it might just be not fully grasping the opportunities you have to grow in your job and advance your career.
Whatever personal growth represents to you, it has value only if you accomplish it. In the coming weeks when you are discussing with your manager about how to exceed next fiscal year’s budget and fulfill your roles and responsibilities, take time to discuss what you need to do in order to receive a Personal Growth award.
Write your ideas down first and then, together with your manager, choose the most important growth area for you to work on. Maybe even pick two or three. Once you have agreed on the goals, establish measurable targets that are clear to both of you. If we all go through this process then in the coming year I hope that each of us can receive one of these awards. Personal growth is the only way to reach our potential and, in the process, help Newport to reach its potential.